School Uniform
We want every child to be proud to be a member of Raleigh Infant and Admirals Academies. Wearing the correct uniform ensures that each child feels part of our community.
At Raleigh Infant Academy children are expected to wear:
- Blue Raleigh sweater or cardigan
- White or blue polo shirt
- Dark grey trousers and skirts
- Blue checked summer dresses
At Admirals Academy children are expected to wear:
- Maroon Admirals sweater or cardigan
- White shirt
- Maroon & gold Admirals tie
- Dark grey trousers and skirts
- Blue checked summer dresses
Our uniform supplier also offers fleeces, book bags and coats.
To order uniform, please click on the link below: -
Admirals ties can be ordered online or bought from the academy office for a cost of £6.50 each for a tie up tie and £5.00 each for a clip on tie.
Our P.E. kit consists of
- Black shorts and a white t-shirt (indoors)
- black tracksuit, white t-shirt, white trainers and white socks (outdoors)
We require children to come to school in their P.E kits on the days that they have P.E.
These are:
Reception |
Year 1 and 2 |
Year3 |
Year 4 |
Year 5 |
Year 6 |
Friday | Monday and Thursday | Friday | Thursday | Tuesday | Wednesday |
Raleigh Infant and Admirals Academies do not require our children to bring anything to lessons with them other than their PE kit, which we suggest is with the children every day.
Pens, pencils, rulers, paper and any other equipment is provided by the academy.
If your child would like to bring their own pencil case, we are happy for them to do so, but would recommend that no child is provided with anything expensive or irreplaceable.
Use of mobile phones at Admirals Academy
Please click here to view our policy on the use of mobile phones at Admirals Academy.