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Pupil Premium Strategy


All members of staff, governors and teaching assistants accept responsibility for ‘socially disadvantaged’ pupils and are committed to meeting their pastoral, social and academic needs within the school environment.

Raleigh Infant and Admirals Academies are committed to ‘Diminishing the Difference’ between vulnerable pupils and their peers. The pupil premium forms a vital part of this process. The governors reserve the right to allocate the pupil premium funding to support any pupils or groups of pupils the school has identified as being socially disadvantaged.

Provision will be made through:

  • Supporting pupils’ access to education.
  • Supporting pupils’ access to the curriculum
  • Alternative support and intervention where appropriate within the school environment.

It is the responsibility of the governors to explain pupil premium expenditure to parents and carers. The academies reports can be accessed below and will be updated annually.

Due to the historical demographic of Thetford, children at Raleigh Infant and Admirals Academies come from a range of families including EAL and Service Families as well as some from more deprived areas of the town. We have some families whose earnings put them just above the threshold for FSM and therefore eligibility for Pupil Premium. This means that support purchased with Pupil Premium funding may form a proportion of overall school provision rather than funding the role of a particular individual. We strive to ensure that the range of support in place is diverse and robust enough to ensure that all children at Raleigh Infant and Admirals Academies are able to access support as individuals in order to achieve their full potential.